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28 Feb


Pouring Into Others

February 28, 2015 | By |

God doesn’t pour into us and expect us to keep it to ourselves. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go out and make other disciples by teaching them. While Jesus lived on earth, he poured into His disciples. He taught them the valuable lessons that would assist them in their new walk with Him. His purpose for pouring into them was so that they could go out and be the “salt of the earth and the light of the world”. He wanted them to take what they learned and pour into others. Just like the disciples, we were chosen and created for a purpose. God’s purpose for us is to unite all things in Him; things in heaven and things on earth (Ephesians 1:10). So here are the questions for every Christian: 1. Why are you here? 2. Are you influencing others by your daily walk with Jesus? God is looking for Christians to help preserve His name, build it up and win others to Him. What are you doing to help prevent sin?
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